5 Steps My Clients Use To Become The Calming Force With Their Adopted Child

Discover The

Essential Blueprint

Every Adoptive Parent Needs to Effectively Parent Their Child With A Trauma History.

The Environment Matrix

Discover The

Essential Blueprint

Every Adoptive Parent Needs to Effectively Parent Their Child With A Trauma History.

The Environment Matrix

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You’re a Adoptive Parent

and your family's peace and harmony depend on your ability to decode your child, disarm their fear, and be a calming presence rather than getting sucked into the chaos.

You are up for the challenge.

You are all in.

In fact, you relentlessly do research, read books, and run your child to different specialists, all in an effort to find SOMETHING that works.

You want be a calming force; to feel proud of how you show up. But all too often, you find yourself getting triggered and resorting to things you know don't work like yelling or threatening.

Without a proven plan that includes guidance and support, you and your family are destined to keep repeating these negative cycles and the peace you desire will remain elusive.

We can help.

The answer is NOT going to be found in reading more books and watching more podcasts to "add more tools to your toolbox".

Chances are, you already have plenty of tools.

You don't need another "one size fits all" approach that leaves you wondering how this applies to you and your child and causes you to feel like a failure.

What you DO need is an essential framework and support to implement and tailor the system to help you best meet your child and family's specific needs .

I feel I am a better parent for our children and our
connection has improved.

Karen, MO

There’s a better way...

We teach our clients techniques to show up as the calm, confident parent they desire to be. They learn to to decode their child which helps create a healing environment for everyone. And you're not left alone to figure it out. If you have questions about how to apply something, or a technique didn't work as expected, no worries. We are here to guide and support every step of the way to help you achieve an extraordinary transformation!

Welcome to our site. Have a look at our About page. Click on our Success Stories page and meet some of the people we’ve worked with.

And when you’re ready, click below to watch a complimentary training about the 5 steps our clients use to calm the chaos and gain confidence in their parenting.

Welcome to

All the best,

Sharon Fuller

Coach-Mentor | The Attachment Place

The Best Parenting Program We Have Ever Taken!

This program and personal coaching have been the best parenting class that we have EVER participated in over the years. The experience and knowledge of parenting children with trauma backgrounds that Sharon Fuller brings to the coaching session is exceptional. This is not a fast road to calm in the home, but steady growth can be seen with time and personal commitment. The BEST money that we have ever spent..

Joan and Dave


We Now Have the Tools to Create Calm

Working with Sharon at The Attachment Place has definitely changed our lives for the better. We have the tools to control our internal and external environment and create a calm place for our adopted child and biological children. Even though I know there will still be difficult times ahead, I feel much better equipped to handle these challenges. My relationship with my husband and adopted son is stronger than ever. I am so grateful we took a chance on this program and would definitely recommend it to others who are struggling with their adopted children. Thank you, Sharon!



Sharon's Methods Come from Hard Won, Real Life Experiences

Sharon has helped us develop a new sense of awareness about ourselves, our child, and our entire family dynamic. She has shifted our mindset from one focused on fixing our child, to one of working on ourselves to create peace internally, in our home, and through our family interactions. She has provided a whole toolbox of strategies developed from the personal experiences she has had herself over many years working with kids of all ages. TAP's biggest value is that its lessons, reflections, and methods come from hard-won experiences working with real kids in real situations over time. In every conversation and every module, Sharon's peacefulness creates a calm place to learn, and the modules are enriched by the real-life examples she gives of how to say things, the best language to use, the most effective "fix" for challenging behavior and the things we need to instill in our child in order for her to become enjoyable to be with, feel proud of herself, and have a happy life
